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Európa legjobb épületei – EUmies Awards 2022 kiállítás Bécsben

Európa legjobb épületei – EUmies Awards 2022 kiállítás Bécsben, az Architekturzentrum Wien-ben megtekinthető október 6. és január 23. között.    

Megnyitó október 5-én 19.00 órakor.

The exhibition of the European Union Prizes for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award 2022 that opened in Barcelona which has already traveled to Cologne, Belgrade and Brussels is now stopping in Vienna.

The Architekturzentrum Wien is hosting the exhibition under the title of Europas Beste Bauten and we would like to invite you to the opening on October 5 at 7pm.

If you are in Vienna, or can go there in the coming months, you have the opportunity to know in detail - with models, videos, photographs and texts - the 40 works that the jury selected as representatives of the best European architecture of the last three years, and especially the finalist works and the winners of the EUmies Awards 2022: the Town House of Kingston University London (Kingston upon Thames) designed by the Dublin-based Grafton Architects and the cooperative housing La Borda (Barcelona) of the Barcelona team Lacol.

Remember that you can also see all the selected and nominated works in the archive or on the EUmiesawards App which will show you how to get there.

Létrehozás időpontja: 2022-10-03 08:40:47
Utolsó módosítás időpontja: 2022-10-03 08:42:25
Cimkék: eumies, bécs, kiállítás,; Beküldő: Ulrich Tamás
Megtekintések száma: 4206
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