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ACE INFO #5 - October/November 2018


New ACE Work Group: Women in Architecture Task Force



On 12 October the Women in Architecture Task Force held its first meeting in Brussels (photo below). The Task Force was created upon request of its Chair Ursula Faix to exchange information on the different approaches to improve the gender gap situation in the EU Member Countries (E28+3) .

In fact, although the share of female architecture students is more than 50% throughout European architecture faculties, female architects are experiencing pay, visibility and stereotype gaps. In its first year of activity, the Task Force aims to understand what drives women out of the profession and to reflect on the main hands-on strategies currently implemented in the EU Countries to balance the gender gap in the architectural profession

The Task Force will run until spring 2020 and will deliver a report that will be accessible form the ACE website.  

ACE Brexit Task Force

ACE recently set up a Brexit Task Force to explore options relating to EU-UK mutual recognition of qualifications, post-Brexit. 

Although the subject of mutual recognition of professional qualifications was only briefly mentioned in the White Paper published by the UK Government in June, and the precise circumstances will related closely to the withdraw a settlement reached, ACE is taking precautionary steps to identify some of the issues that will need to be addressed. 

Amongst other things, the ACE Brexit Task Force will consider the possible scope and content of a  Mutual Recognition Agreement on qualifications in architecture between EU27 and the UK which will need to be appended to a broader EU-UK Free Trade Agreement.

European Year of Cultural Heritage: ACE conference on Adaptive Re-use and Transition of the Built Heritage, 23 November in Leeuwarden (NL)

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), ACE is organising a full day conference on the theme "Adaptive Re-use and Transition of the Built Heritage". The event will take place on Friday 23 November in Leeuwarden (Netherlands), one of the 2018 EU Capitals of Culture.

Due to the transformation of our societies, many places in our built environment are no longer used or occupied according to their original function, notably many industrial, religious and military sites. Through smart and innovative restoration, renovation or transformation, it is possible to give a new purpose and utility to these buildings and sites. As a result, their social and economic value can increase, bringing economic and social dynamism to the cities and regions in which they are situated, while having regard to their cultural and historical significance at the same time.

The responsibility for re-imagining our built environment and heritage is shared by many professionals and stakeholders: architects, town planners, craftsmen, public authorities, financial institutions, owners, occupants. The ACE conference will aim to bring together stakeholders of the sector to discuss the opportunities and challenges raised by the adaptive re-use and transition of our built heritage. In particular, it will be an opportunity to discuss:

  • the skills, knowledge and competences necessary for quality heritage interventions;
  • the relationships and necessary dialogue between heritage elements and new contemporary architectural interventions;
  • how our present and future heritage contributes to our territorial identity and how it impacts on the attractiveness of places.

This event relates to the Commission's initiative on Heritage in Transition which aims to promote good practice and smart ways to transform Europe's industrial, religious and military heritage for new use(r)s.  The conference will also aim to bring together the partners of the initiative to take stock of the lessons learned over the EYCH and discuss how to build on the momentum generated by the Year for future actions in this area.

Access the full programme on the ACE website.

The event will be web-streamed from the ACE Youtube channel.

New EU Agenda for Culture

In its Communication on the New EU Agenda for Culture released on 22 May 2018, the EU Commission presented its new strategy to support the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) and promote the cultural dimension of the EU, with particular emphasis on enhancing European identity through culture and values. The Commission notably sets out to:

  • encourage the mobility of professionals in the CCS,
  • protect and promote Europe's cultural heritage as a shared resource to reinforce a sense of common European identity,
  • promote the skills needed by the CCS, including digital, entrepreneurial, traditional and specialised skills.

In the short term, the Commission will:

  • launch a project on Cultural and creative spaces and cities under the Creative Europe programme to promote cultural participation and social and urban regeneration (2018),
  • propose a mobility scheme for professionals in the CCS undeCreative Europe (2018-19),
  • present an Action Plan for Cultural Heritage and ask Member States to draft similar Plans at national level.

The Culture committee of the European Parliament is currently preparing an own-initiative report. In its response to the rapporteur's draft report, ACE supports the proposed Agenda but underlines the crucial importance of high-quality Baukultur and calls on the EU Commission to take actions in the field of architecture to implement the Davos Declaration.

The New Agenda will be implemented through a Work Plan endorsed by the Member States. The Work Plan will be adopted at the next Culture Council meeting scheduled to take place on 27 November.

Next Creative Europe programme (2021-2027)

On 30 May 2018, the EU Commission published a proposal for a regulation establishing the next Creative Europe Programme (2021 to 2027), the EU Commission's framework programme for support to the audiovisual and culture sectors, including architecture. The Commission proposes horizontal actions to support cultural platforms and networks (such as the ACE network "Connecting  Architects in Europe" and the mobility of cultural professionals and their operation at international level.

The Commission also proposes sectorial actions targeting specifically the architectural sector: "targeted actions for the mobility of operators, capacity-building, audience development and internationalisation of the cultural heritage and architecture sectors, promotion of Baukultur, support for the safeguarding, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and its values through awareness-raising, networking and peer-to-peer learning activities".

The Council and Parliament will discuss the Commission's proposal in the coming months, with the objective of reaching an agreement by May 2019.

In a position paper sent to the Parliament's rapporteurs and the current Austrian Presidency of the Council, the ACE generally welcomes the Commission's proposal. The ACE points out that, whereas Europe’s architectural market is estimated to be worth nearly 16 billion EUR and accounts for around 600 000 jobs in the EU and whereas shaping our living environment is a cultural act; Architecture is under-represented in the current Creative Europe programme. The ACE calls for increased support from the next  programme to the architectural sector, in order to achieve the ambitions set out in the Davos Declaration.


Public procurement: MEPs call for better implementation and use of quality criteria

On 3 October 2017, the Commission presented a package of two Communications and one Recommendation in the area of public procurement. The first Communication sets out the priority areas for improvement in the area of public procurement both at Member State and Commission level, while the Recommendation provides for steps to be taken by Member States for the professionalisation of public buyers.

On 4 October 2018, the European Parliament adopted a resolution in response to the Commission's strategy. The excessive use of the lowest price as the primary award criterion and the need to support SMEs’ participation in tenders are among the issues addressed in the resolution. MEPs express disappointment at the pace at which many Member States have transposed the 2014 public procurement directives and by the many delays, urging them to swiftly complete the transposition. They ask the EU Commission to better and more clearly organise the guides and other tools developed to help Member States with the implementation of the public procurement framework. They welcome the fact that many EU countries have made provisions for the use of quality criteria (including the best price-quality ratio) and encourage its systematic application. The report said that contracting authorities should apply “other criteria than the lowest price or cost effectiveness only, including qualitative, environmental and/or social aspects”, and consider the full life-cycle of products, including their impact on the environment, in their purchasing decisions.


Daniel Fügenschuh is the new BAIK Vice-President

On 5 October 2018 the architect Daniel Fügenschuh was elected Vice-President of the Austrian Chamber of Architects and chartered Engineering Consultants (BAIK) and confirmed as Chairman of the National Architects’ Section until 2022. The function of the deputy chair of the National Architects’ Section will be executed by architect Katharina Fröch.

Daniel Fügenschuh, who also acts as BAIK Head of Delegation to ACE, wants to continue to focus on how to improve cooperation amongst architectural advisory boards of different parts of Austria in order to ensure institutional quality of architectural development.

With reference to the wide differences between frameworks and general regulations of advisory boards in Austria, Mr Fügenschuh declared: "We will clearly intensify our efforts in developing guidelines for the establishing phase of architectural advisory boards. The boards are doing precious work for the public. This should be recognized and supported“ 

Latvian Association of Architects

In September the Latvian Association of Architects held the first General Meeting of all certified Architects of Latvia. The general purpose of the Meeting was to discuss regulatory framework of the Profession and to inform about the upcoming changes in surveillance of architectural practice. More information

Finlandia Prize for Architecture awarded to New Children’s Hospital in Helsinki

Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District’s New Children’s Hospital was awarded the 2018 Finlandia Prize for Architecture. The building was designed by SARC Architects and Architect Group Reino Koivula, who focused their approach on the hospital’s young patients and their families, placing them at the centre of the design process throughout. Fresh and innovative, the end result represents an entirely new departure for hospital design.

“It is wonderful that a patient and family centred design process has also succeeded in delivering an architecturally ambitious result worthy of this incredible honour,” said Antti-Matti Siikala, the project’s chief designer.

Shortlisted projects and photos can be found on the Award Website


ACE is currently involved in four European co-funded research projects with three more at the stage of Grant Agreement preparation, expected to start between November 2018 – January 2019.

All projects address issues related to sustainability, climate change, resource efficiency and building renovation. The projects develop and test for instance innovative building envelope systems and technologies, BIM, CPD training, desicion support tools for occupants and business models to finance energy retrofits, along with policy position papers. Through these ACE seeks to promote the architects’ role in energy efficient construction and urban regeneration, to influence cutting edge research and make it more applicable for European architects.

Read here ACE project's news

Létrehozás időpontja: 2018-11-05 22:22:49
Utolsó módosítás időpontja: 2018-11-05 22:30:24
Beküldő: Tatai Mária
Megtekintések száma: 10966
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