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Work and live in Vienna-Heiligenstadt
Non-open architectural competition in two stages with open application procedure

Task: Design of a building ensemble in Vienna's  19th district on a 25,000 sqm site. Four high-rise buildings with about 50 to 82 m height and a further building with about 35 m height shall be realized on a connecting basis. The project features approximately 111,000 sqm GFA for office, business an residential use. 

Procedure: Non-open architectural competition in two stages with approximately 12 competitors in stage 1 (out of which 5 are pre-selected and approximately seven will be selected through the open application procedure). The jury will select approximately three competitors per lot for stage 2. The competition language is German.

Promoter: Joint ownership, represented through BWS-Gruppe, Gemeinnatzige allgemeine Bau-, Wohn- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft.

Eligibility: Architects in cooperation with landscape architects or respective legal persons entitled in their country of residence to render respective services.

Jury: i.a. Fritz Schumacher (Bacle/Switzerland), Marina Stankovic (Berlin/Germany), Isolde Rajek (Vienna), Robert Kniefacz (MA 19 Vienna), Gregor Puscher (MA 21 Vienna), Matthew C. Rochelt (BWS-Gruppe Vienna), Gerhard Kubik (Council Vienna), Peter Lorenz (Vienna), Carla Lo (Vienna)

Prizes and fees: 300,000 Euro (net) in total 

Information: For more information about the project and the procedure, please see:

Létrehozás időpontja: 2016-06-21 12:19:15
Utolsó módosítás időpontja: 2016-06-21 12:40:28
Beküldő: Tatai Mária
Megtekintések száma: 13734
Rövid link: