ACE expresses grave concerns following the arrests at the Istanbul Chamber of Architects
On Tuesday 31 May, police arrested 15 people in the building of the Istanbul Chamber of Architects, including the President of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT) and Board Members and employees of the CAT Istanbul Branch. The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) expresses grave concerns at this event.
The Young Talent Architecture Award (YTAA) aims to support the talent of recently graduated Architects, Urban Planners and Landscape Architects who will be responsible for transforming our environment in the future. YTAA has emerged from curiosity about and interest in the initial stages in these students’ development and a desire to support their talent as they enter into the professional world.
The AR is looking for outstanding examples of contemporary one-off house projects. If you have completed an exceptional house project in the last five years, enter the AR House category to gain global exposure and recognition.
Entry deadline: 10 March – enter now
The 2016 WAF Awards are open for entries, enter today and the next stop's Berlin!
Make 2016 matter. Raise your profile internationally, enter new markets and prove yourself on a global stage. Take the first step and enter the World Architecture Festival Awards now.
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE in Österreich 2017
ORTE Architekturnetzwerk Niederösterreich vergibt an ArchitektInnen, RaumplanerInnen, LandschaftsarchitektInnen, TheoretikerInnen und KuratorInnen, die im Bereich der Architektur tätig sind, eine Atelierwohnung in Krems sowie ein Stipendium, das vom Land Niederösterreich finanziert wird.
Das Land Niederösterreich gewährt die kostenfreie Nutzung der Atelierwohnung sowie ein Stipendium. Die Vergabe erfolgt unter den Prämissen, ausländischen Architekturschaffenden das Arbeiten in Österreich und Kennenlernen der Architekturszene des Landes Niederösterreich zu ermöglichen.
European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects
As part of its policy to establish firmer contacts with the schools of architecture and the student body in general, ACE has actively engaged with the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) in a program of collaboration and investigation into the future of the profession. A research project funded by the EU Erasmus + programme has been one tangible result, as well as the establishment of a Joint Work Group between the two organisations.
The Architectural Review’s prestigious prize for up-and-coming architects, The AR Emerging Architecture Awards, took place at The Barbican in London on Tuesday.
Congratulations to the winning project: 10 Cal Tower by Supermachine Studio
All entries were judged by an esteemed international panel chaired by AR Editor Christine Murray. This year’s jury included:
Megvalósult épületek kategóriában a Kossuth tér rekonstrukciója nyerte a Krakkói Nemzetközi Építészeti Biennálé 1. díját. - Közti Zrt – Tima Stúdió
Results of the MBA Kraków 2015 / Wyniki MBA Kraków 2015
A. The Competition – An Exhibition of Completed Designs / A. konkurs – wystawa projektów zrealizowanych
1st Prize / 1 Nagroda:
Közti Zrt – Tima Studio – "Kossuth tér reconstruction Budapest"
Designing for tomorrow