A FAKRO és a BIMobject nemzetközi építészpályázatot hirdet tetőterek felújítására és átformálására.
Elkezdődött a regisztráció a 2018-as Nemzetközi VELUX Díjra, amelyen a pályázó diákok megmutathatják, miként látják a természetes fény szerepét az építészetben.
Az INSPIRELI AWARDS egy cseh alapítású nemzetközi építészeti pályázat, amelynek célja új tehetségek felfedezése.
Key Dates for the Competition:
Download the complete brief
Set up in 1982 by the architect Philippe Rotthier, this triennial architectural award is one of the rare prizes rewarding projects that consciously identify with the traditional concept of the town or city as seen through European eyes.
The prize has a twofold objective : on the one hand, to draw attention to contemporary urban architectural works that are often ignored by critics and the specialized press and, on the other hand, to raise the architectural of the public, elected representatives and sponsors. The prize is organized by the Fondation pour l'Architecture which also arranges exhibitions and publications devoted to the winning projects. These are selected by a jury comprising European personalities from the world of art and architecture.
Architects, designers, engineers, artists and urban planners are given a unique opportunity to win one of the three prizes of the Jacques Rougerie Foundation - Institut de France by creating innovative and ambitious projects. These architectural projects based on emerging developments and a prospective vision should address some core issues of mankind: greater environmental, industrial and technical responsibilities, while taking sustainable development principles into account: innovative materials, techniques and fundamental advance in design, development, energy saving or natural resources, recycling...
Work and live in Vienna-Heiligenstadt
Non-open architectural competition in two stages with open application procedure
Task: Design of a building ensemble in Vienna's 19th district on a 25,000 sqm site. Four high-rise buildings with about 50 to 82 m height and a further building with about 35 m height shall be realized on a connecting basis. The project features approximately 111,000 sqm GFA for office, business an residential use.
The National Museum announces an architectural competition for its new exhibitions. The subject of the two-round public competition for delivery of architectural design of the expositions, exhibition space and visitor service organization with an emphasis on the vision and philosophy of the expositions and a particular link between the Historical and the New Building of the National Museum of Czech Republic (NM).
Ideenwettbewerb aspern INTERNATIONAL: Das Juryergebnis
Der Film "aspern INTERNATIONAL" dokumentiert den Projektverlauf - hier ansehen!
Das Architekturzentrum Wien führte in Kooperation mit der Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG als Beitrag zur Vienna Biennale 2015 "Ideas for Change" einen geladenen Ideenwettbewerb für ein Grundstück in aspern Die Seestadt Wiens durch. Gesucht wurden Ideen für positiven Wandel und neue Formen für nutzungsneutrale Gebäude. Ziel des Wettbewerbes war es, alternative Herangehensweisen an die Architektur der Stadt zu entwickeln und damit eine Debatte über die Zukunft und die Kohärenz der Stadt anzuregen. Sieben ausgewählte Architekturbüros aus ganz Europa nahmen daran teil und präsentierten ihre eingereichten Projekte am 20. Juni in einem öffentlichen Symposium im Az W. Im Anschluss, am 22. Juni, tagte die Jury.